Shipping was super fast - ordered it on 3-Sep and got it on 7-Sep (it was shipped to Alaska). The box was in a box with not much padding. It did fill up the box pretty good with some gaps. The outer box didn't have any corner crushes or tears, it looked like it hadn't been thrown around. Reviewing the quick start manual, it said to remove the padding/Styrofoam from the inside of the computer case. There wasn't anything in there. The computer was packed with foam and was fine with no cosmetic issues. It takes a bit to install updates, but it was pretty fast compared to my old MSI laptop. the provided peripherals, mouse and keyboard need some work. I'll have to get a new keyboard later. I switched back to my old mouse. Computer loads super quick. There was some instructions on how to change the RGB lights, it sounded like there was supposed to be a remote in there to change it or change it via the motherboard there wasn't a remote in there, but I didn't care. I will update at later date if any quirks arise.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]