I did a long and extensive amount of research before purchasing this camera, and am most pleased with the resulting quality, perfection and overall design of the product. I am literally amazed at the quality of pictures just with using the factory settings to get started. The capabilities for going further into post image modifications of the better photos are so far advanced over what is possible with the older technologies, and that will be a continuing learning curve......but because this camera has such built-in potential in all of its features, I will probably not have to think about a replacement camera for years to come. One thing that REALLY pleases me is that I do not have to lug around another large bag of supplementary lenses to get what this camera is capable of already. The price-point, the simplicity, and the light weight (comparatively speaking) all add up to one whale of a deal. Unless you are on the staff of National Geographic, or other high tech demanding job, this suits every need and then some.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]